2000 - 2024

Java User Group München

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sponsored by 2:team new media GmbH




Sofern bei der Veranstaltung nichts anderes angegeben ist:
Zeit: Beginn 19:00 (Einlass i. d. R. ab 18:30)

Ort: Hotel Eden-Wolff, Arnulfstraße 4, 80335 München

Siehe auch Meetup https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Java-User-Group-Munchen-JUGM/


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Nächste Meetings:


Have you ever considered just not writing bugs?

Tagir Valeev

Ort: Hotel Eden-Wolff, Arnulfstraße 4, 80335 München

In this talk, we will consider several snippets of Java code that contain mistakes and try to summarize which tools and approaches we can use nowadays to avoid similar bugs in your code. Java programmers with any background and experience are welcome, only basic Java knowledge is necessary.

Speaker Bio: Tagir Valeev works as a technical lead at JetBrains. He participates much in improving Java static analysis in IntelliJ IDEA that helps you to detect bugs. He is an OpenJDK committer and Java Champion. Also, he is the author of the book "100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them".



Welcome to the Jungle - A safari through the JVM landscape

Gerrit Grunwald

Ort: Hotel Eden-Wolff, Arnulfstraße 4, 80335 München

OpenJDK with it’s Java Virtual Machine is great but there is not only one flavour but many. There is Oracle OpenJDK, Eclipse Temurin, IBM Semeru, Amazon Corretto, Azul Zulu, Alibaba Dragonwell, Huawei Bi Sheng, Tencent Kona and many more. Did you ever ask yourself which one is better, faster, free or something similar? Or do you want to know where the differences are in those distributions, well then this session might bring some answers to your questions. It will give you an idea about what the JVM is and will cover all the available distributions not only of OpenJDK but also of GraalVM and will try to explain the differences and features of the available distributions. It will also try to give you an idea what JVM to use for specific use cases.


Journey to PMD 7

Andreas Dangel

Ort: Hotel Eden-Wolff, Arnulfstraße 4, 80335 München

It took a long time to deliver the new version of PMD, the cross-language static code analyzer. Now it is finally there. Let's have a look at the highlights of the new major version. Is this release bigger than the others? What ere the most important improvements? What were the obstacles and which challenges are still ahead?


Communicating our APIs: Enhance Provider and Consumer Interaction

Enis Spahi

Ort: Hotel Eden-Wolff, Arnulfstraße 4, 80335 München

While APIs are fundamentally about machine-to-machine communication, human factors like lack of API discoverability, inadequate documentation, and time constraints often pose significant challenges in API Development. This presentation highlights these challenges and offers practical tips to enhance interactions between providers and consumers.

Major API technologies offer standardised specification languages to speak common languages. I will dive into OpenAPI and AsyncAPI, along with other specification languages, to explore how they can help consumers to discover APIs. Additionally, I'll share practical tips on transforming API specifications into more human-readable formats for continuous API documentation.

Code First, API First and Consumer First are three approaches in API development. But which one is best fit for my API? In this part I will present a live demonstration of these approaches and highlight how each of them impacts the interactions between providers and consumers. In addition I will uncover the capabilities around OpenAPI Specification, OpenAPI Generator and Pact Contract testing to improve provider and consumer experience.

By the end of this talk, the audience will have gained a comprehensive understanding of API Communication, they will discover a handful of tools and approaches to enhance provider and consumer interaction.

Enis Spahi is a Consultant working for OpenValue Munich. He is passionate about Java and its ecosystem, having gathered experience in various domains such as Fintech, Electricity Transmission and Travel. His areas of interest are Software and System Design, API Development, DevOps, Observability and anything that involves communicating Software Architecture. When there is time left he likes hiking, skiing or playing online chess.



Emotional Surfing: Achtsame Emotionsregulation leicht gemacht

Matthias Rothe

Ort: Hotel Eden-Wolff, Arnulfstraße 4, 80335 München



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Am 12.07.2012 fand mit ca. 40 Teilnehmern das Gründungstreffen der Softwerkskammer München statt. Link siehe unten.

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JUGM Job-Börse